Delisha Aeu
map-marker New York, New York

Problem with delivery

Missing item once again I only have problems when ordering from this restaurant Missing plantain again

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Ahmed H Pmj

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My problem not fixing

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Grubhub - My problem not fixing
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

My account was never locked, but for 8 months, I have been unable to log into the account. I need help as this is a recurring problem, and I want to add my car.

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Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: I want fixed my account


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| map-marker Burlington, Vermont

Je voudrais m'inscrire sur cette application grubhub

Je voudrais m'inscrire sur cette application grubhub
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

Jaimerais vraiment avoir lopportunité de travailler avec vous.Parce que tu as Vous pouvez avoir l'opportunité de travailler sur vous-même

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Tanjia A

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Pizza ordered delivery freezin cold

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Grubhub - Pizza ordered delivery freezin cold

We spent $56.39 on pizza and garlic knots. Both items were cold!

We called Round Table Pizza and they claimed the pizza was fresh and hot! Can you reimburse me for this terrible GrubHub delivery?

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Preferred solution: Full refund

Smail B

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| map-marker Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Whay my count is blocked

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Grubhub - Whay my count is blocked
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

Hello my name is smail benbellout I worked for delivery when I come back to vacation more than 3 months I try to login my count but I can't I don't know what happens for my count can someone help me please thank you.

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User's recommendation: Gruhub is good company to work with him

Ahmed H Pmj

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Fixed my account grubhub

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

Six months ago, I called Grabhub and asked them if it was possible to change my work location because I was in Virginia. They told me that it was not possible.

After that, I noticed that I couldn't log into my account. My driver's license is from Virginia.

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Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: Solve the problem


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| map-marker Portland, Oregon

Food not delivered

Grubhub - Food not delivered
Contains 2 confidential files for company representatives

I ordered food it was never delivered. I was sent a picture of some random light thing.

I tried calling and was hung up on twice. I want a refund for my purchase.

I am never using Grubhub again. I would appreciate an email response regarding my refund

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User's recommendation: Don’t use Grubhub


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| map-marker Edison, New Jersey

Terrible customer service

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives
Updated by user Dec 15, 2024

I emailed GrubHub and got a response that said that they'll look into it. I don't expect anything there.

I'm going to go to my management office on Monday and hunt down the neighbor this order belonged to and hopefully they will be able to provide courier info/an order number. Since this is a retirement community, I don't expect any of this to be easy. Liquor was illegal when some of my neighbors were born, and cars only went 60 mph max.

Pretty much all of us are disabled. This is going to be joyous.

Original review updated Dec 15, 2024
I had a package stolen by one of their couriers when they decided to drop an order at an incorrect, obviously empty neighboring condo and saw that there was a package on my doorstep. I didn't personally have an order that day, and once I made the customer service rep finally understand this (she asked me about my order multiple times and multiple times, I had to explain that it wasn't mine because English was not a first language for the rep and the sound quality of the call was awful), she stopped apologizing and caring in general.

Her actual words were "Oh, so YOU didn't even have the order? *sigh* I will make up a report of the incident." When I asked her how she would do that without getting ANY information from me, she said that since I wasn't the customer, she didn't have any and didn't need to take mine. I used to be a customer. I won't EVER use GrubHub again personally because of this.

This isn't the first time I've had issues with the company, but it's usually over a courier not bothering to find the correct condo and leaving expensive food unattended in the heat, and then not answering when they are called to find out what happened. But this is incredibly not cool. It's the holiday season. Those were gifts.

It wasn't expensive but that doesn't matter. I've never needed a camera because it's impossible to see whether anyone has a package on their doorstep. We have separate alcoves.

All but one other condo is empty most of the year. I guess I need a camera now, so thanks for that, GrubHub.
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Tykerria Nxq

I will make up a report of the incident." When I asked her how she would do that without getting ANY information from me, she said that since I wasn't the customer, she didn't have any and didn't need to take mine. I used to be a customer.

I won't EVER use GrubHub again personally because of this. She said those things to you. You obviously did don't understand, Maybe English is not YOUR first language? She cannot get you info if you are not the customer.

How hard is that to understand?

She does not need your info. How hard is that to understand?

reply icon Replying to comment of Tykerria Nxq

Oh, no. That's not how it went.

It took quite some time to get to any explanation on her end, and her English was indeed not great. But her English fluency wasn't my problem. After repeating what I needed several times and just being asked over and over for an order number, I finally got her to understand that I didn't have an order number because the order wasn't mine. At that point, her tone changed from apologetic to one of calm dismissal and she confirmed (after asking multiple times and being told multiple times) that I wasn't the customer and switched to "Not our problem" mode.

She gave me the standard answer when dealing with a person CSRs always give when they want to get you to *** and go away. Although her English was terrible, her tone was very clear. When I asked her how she would make a report with no info, she said "You are not the customer, so..." THAT is what I have a problem with. It's not English.

It's treating someone your company wronged like crap because they aren't a current customer.

Sorry if that was unclear to you. Please train your people better.

Tykerria Nxq

From her talking to you it sounds like her English is not that bad. She told you in CLEAR ENGLISH, She would make a report. Do you not understand English yourself?

reply icon Replying to comment of Tykerria Nxq

You had to post twice? Do you get paid per shill post? Charles Dickens got paid by the word.

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map-marker Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Grubhub - Payout

I'm having trouble with my payout I tried to cash out yesterday and it says my debit card need to be verified then I sent and email and waited for a response.. I go to check my grub hub account today and.

My money is gone and it's not in my bank account..

I had 35.95. I didn't cash it out so where did the money go

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map-marker Sterling, Virginia

Application status

Grubhub - Application status
Grubhub - Application status - Image 2
Grubhub - Application status - Image 3

Everything is completed can you guys please let me know whats going on with my application? Thank you so much

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Abdullahi M Odh

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Reactivate my account

Grubhub - Reactivate my account
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

I have travelled outside the United States and I was away for a long time. I found that my account was deactivated.

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Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: Good working relationship

Adam O Xkp

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You refuse to cover for your mistakes

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I placed an order for a couple coffees from the local Starbucks this morning. You assigned a driver to pick up the coffees, but about 35 minutes after the order, that driver was removed.

About 10 or 15 minutes later another driver was added for my delivery. It took them about 15 minutes to arrive at Starbucks to pick up the order. By the time the driver delivered the coffee, it was over 90 minutes after Starbucks had brewed it. The hot espresso was at room temperature, as was the cold frappuccino.

Neither of them were drinkable, so we threw them out.

I disposed of both coffees as they were obviously not what I ordered and went to the Grubhub site to file a claim. I filed it, but was notified I might get a $5 credit for the order after it was reviewed. I paid $20+ for the order, $5 is not a reasonable credit for a bad product that was 100% the fault of Grubhub for their delayed delivery.

I then went to the Grubhub website and found the 'chat' option to file complaints about an order. I chatted with a supervisor by the name of Loredette V.

(case # 27949****) who claimed the only option for their mistake was a credit to my account that would only apply for 30 days. The credit offered was not for the cost I paid, but initially $10. Due to this very negative experience with Grubhub, I declined the offer. She eventually bumped the credit up to $25 but it would still only last for 1 month.

Again, due to this very negative experience, combined with the lack of surprise everyone I had chatted with had about the delivery being so late suggesting this was a common occurrence, I requested the credit to last at least 1 year. She refused and reiterated 30 days is the max time a credit for Grubhub's mistake could last. At that point I requested to speak with someone at the corporate level since she claimed she was unable to do anything else. She gave me a phone # 877-585-****.

I called that number provided and ended up speaking with a supervisor by the name of Lea.

She opened a new case # 27949****. She informed me that Grubhub's policy does not allow a refund for late or ruined deliveries. I asked her where I could find this policy on the Grubhub website and she informed me it was "internal". When I confronted her about an "internal" policy that Grubhub is apparently hiding from their customers she told me policy does not allow me, the customer, to view this "internal" policy that she is using to deny a refund.

I do not understand how I can possibly agree to a policy that I am not allowed to read, even when that policy is being invoked to refuse a refund for poor service and not receiving the product I paid for.

Lea claimed she would escalate the ticket to upper management but she could not tell me how I could check on the status, when, or even if I would, get a response. She repeatedly claimed Grubhub uses these complaints to improve future policies but she refused to explain to me why every person I chatted with or spoke to acted like this was an extremely common issue.

It seems like it would be very easy for Grubhub to deal with a driver shortage. Wait until a driver is assigned to deliver the meal, and has confirmed they are leaving for the restaurant, before they place an order with the restaurant. Notify the customer there will be a delay in delivering their food, if you would like to cancel the order you may do so now, if you still want the order we will place the order with the restaurant as soon as we have a driver available to pick it up.

Do not place the order and then search for a driver to deliver it.

While this was only a $20 order, I will not place a dinner order where I would pay from $50-$100 for warm food that could arrive freezing cold because Grubhub isn't staffed, especially when Grubhub refuses to refund what the customer paid for a warm meal.

Update: As I was writing this complaint I received an e-mail from Grubhub.

"Sorry for the confusion regarding the refund on order".

They are refunding me the money I paid for the order.

I contacted 4 people at Grubhub about this order, chat rep, chat rep's supervisor, phone rep & phone rep's supervisor who all claimed it was against Grubhub policy to refund an order due to delivery delay even if the product was ruined due to that delay. I am not sure why 4 Grubhub reps would all share the same "confusion" about their refund policies unless the policy really is an "internal" policy no one, including the supervisors at Grubhub, has the right to read. It sounds like Grubhub leadership just tells their employees to refuse refunds with the hope that the customers will not continue pushing the complaint up their chain.

I guess the lesson is, if you get screwed by Grubhub, take up as much time as you can with the 'supervisors' as possible and force them to 'upgrade' the complaint. Very poor way for a company to bring in new customers or even keep their current customers.

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  • Typically fast deliveries at reasonable costs
  • Do not back up their services

Preferred solution: They sent me the refund after the complaint was escalated twice, but it took a lot of pushing to get it there. The chat/phone reps have very little control to fix a problem.

User's recommendation: This is the 1st time I've had an issue with Grubhub, but if they mess up don't back down when you confront them.

1 comment
Quran Jya

I am going thru a similar situation and they all say the same thing but it is their fault, right now I have my bank handling it bcuz I am tired of the back and forth email where they say they as a courtesy will give me half of what my order total and I told them they have lost their minds !! I am going to door dash bcuz Grubhub is ridiculous !! )*(

Machelle Tyo

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| map-marker Charles City, Virginia

Pay for membership, order from two restaurants, both completely wrong, Outback and TGI Fridays totaling over $100 . And can’t get a straight answer or a Refund, poor customer service!!!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Grubhub - Pay for membership, order from two restaurants, both completely wrong, Outback...
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

Wrong order delivered, on two different occasions, repeatedly tried resolve through the chat only to get no reply after the first auto response. And then is told, its pass the grace period. I pay for a membership for what?

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Kimberly O Ant

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I ordered Johnny Carino’s took to wrong address and marked delivered. I did not receive my food or would not refund or bring me another order $33 dollars!!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Grubhub - I ordered Johnny Carino’s took to wrong address and marked delivered. I did not...
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

Read the above and here are pictures and a receipt! Don't use GrubHub; use DoorDash instead!

I spent $33 and have all the proof but no refund or food. That's ridiculous!

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  • Might get your food
  • Never received food

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: Don’t use Grubhub use DoorDash!

Kimberly O Eyd

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I ask for a refund or just my food but was denied both!!. & it was not my fault was supposed to been to emergency room which was obivious and they delivered to a house??

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Grubhub - I ask for a refund or just my food but was denied both!!. & it was not my fault...
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

No resolution was made despite having plenty of proof. This was supposed to be delivered to a hospital.

Does this picture look like a hospital? In the instructions, I even put my hospital's name and requested it to be handed over to me.

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  • Dont get your delivery

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Use door dash

map-marker Malden, Massachusetts

Why is the allocation not continuing?

Grubhub - Why is the allocation not continuing?
Grubhub - Why is the allocation not continuing? - Image 2

I need to know why the application is not continuing. I am active in the application and I would like to work with you.

I do not know what information we need about me. I am available to give you more information. This is a company I would like to work for all my life.

Help me realize my dream. I have driving experience.

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User's recommendation: Customers


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GrubHub is a service intended to help customers find and order food from wherever they are. To order food with the help of GrubHub, one just need to type in an address. Afterwards GrubHub will tell a user the restaurants that deliver to local. It also will show pickup restaurants near and their options. Within GrubHub it is possible to search by cuisine, restaurant name as well as menu item. GrubHub will filter results accordingly. After finding what a person wants, he or she can place an order online or by phone, which is free of charge. GrubHub also gives its users access to reviews, special deals and coupons. 24/7 customer service team of the company works to track each order and to insure everyone gets food delivery.

Grubhub reviews and complaints

Grubhub is ranked 73 out of 418 in Food Delivery category

Area Served


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